Saturday, February 21, 2015

Losing your debit card

The other night, I left my debit card behind at a restaurant.

What to do when you leave your debit card at a restaurant?

Continue to drive home, of course.

Park in the driveway, stew, get upset.

Listen to Mrs. Corn Fed tell you, "Call the restaurant, tell them you left it, and see if you can still pick it up tonight."

Watch Mrs. Corn Fed walk into the house.

Sit in the driveway, continue to be upset.

Call Restaurant.

Tell Mrs. CF restaurant has debit card.

Leave to go pick up debit card.

Arrive at restaurant, park right at door, no care of actual parking spots.

Get debit card from restaurant.

Text Mrs. CF, "got it".

Drive home. Calm down.

Get home.

Go to sleep.

Wake up.

Be grateful.

Write blog post about whole situation.

Have you left your debit card behind? What did you do? Do you plan or panic?